Pssst! Don't panic yet, but there's a storm coming...
That's the reason I sat down at my desk and created this guide for you.
It's also the reason I'm fairly confident you'll read every word in its pages and begin to change your life for the better just days from now.
Hi, my name is Carolyn Hansen. I am a fitness expert and nutritionist, and in the pages of my Half The Man guide you'll discover why I think men are in trouble.
Before you retire to a comfortable spot with my guide to take in everything I have to tell you I wanted to spend a couple of minutes explaining why you should request the book from me if you not already done it.
If you have reached the age of 40 you will have seen glimmers of this storm I want to warn you about out at the horizon. If you have reached the age of 50 you will almost be inside it.
No one has ever outrun the storm. Or survived it. You won't either, but I can help you weather it and survive it for as long as humanly possible.
The storm, of course, is the aging process itself.
That's not what should frighten you. It takes little courage to face the inevitable. What does take courage is dealing with what is not cast in stone - the matters over which you do have influence.
Like physically and mentally aging before your time. Or losing the essence of what makes you distinctly masculine, which is a form of premature aging involving your endocrine, or hormonal, system.
If you allow me, I am going to show you how to deal with both of these forms of aging which I'll simply refer to from this point on as "aging".
In fact I am going to show you how to ward off the effects of aging so that you can extend your period of enjoyed youthfulness for another decade. Maybe even two.
Let me run a bit further with my analogy so that you can see the larger picture - the image that has guided me in the years that I have been concerned with the topic of aging, or really anti-aging since that is a better way to view our goal.
If aging is a storm then life is a sea of possibilities and each one of us has been provided a vessel to navigate it. That vessel is comprised of your mind and body. The stronger your vessel, the further you will be able to sail without getting into trouble.
Over time it loses its resiliency, its ability to weather the elements. Unless, of course, you maintain it. My larger-scale goal for you is to teach you how to keep your vessel upright, facing into the wind, and ready to do battle with anything that blows your way.
Now, this guide I am offering you today was specifically written for men, as the title makes clear by itself.
On the other hand it cannot have escaped your attention that I am a woman. So you may be wondering about that. Why is a woman writing a health-related book for men? What makes her any kind of authority on the subject of men's health?
Well, let me tell you. Because the simple truth is I know a LOT more about this subject than most men ever will - and that includes the fitness professionals!
There are two very good reasons for this.
The first of these is that I have been working on the front line of the fitness industry for over three decades and most of my strength-obsessed gym clients have been men.
The second reason has to do with the fact that while I have the greatest respect for men, and ought to be able to see them as modern day warriors, too often I am filled with sadness because of what I see when I go out into the community, or gaze around my gym.
Men today are more out of shape than ever and they are aging at a rate faster than ever before. What fills me with sadness is that this is all entirely preventable!
It is no mystery as to what is going on. That's what you'll discover in the pages of Half The Man You Were.